Tuesday 3 May 2011

Aaaarrrggghhh acne!!!!....nooooo!!!!...

say no to acne!!!
Acne is one of the most miserable condition for most of the people ,especially teenagers that come into puberty . This is because during puberty sebaceous gland (gland that produce sebum ) is very active at this moment. Death cells that produced at this moment also is very easily adhere to our skin and clog the sebaceous gland that ultimately will result in acne production.Grab it now!!!

Here is some food that can be part of our diet that can help to reduce acne production :

  • Minimum of eight glasses of water per day 
  • Fresh fruit juices, namely apple, papaya, and pineapple
  • A cup of green tea each morning will also help the body eliminate toxins naturally
  • Eat a salad every day; green leafy vegetables contain blood purifying chlorophyll, fiber, and all of the necessary vitamins required in a healthy diet for oily skin
  • Raw fruits and vegetables. Carrots, apples, pears, and broccoli are all excellent food remedies for acne. Grab it now!!!
  • Brown rice, oats, and other whole grains should be consumed regularly for their fiber as well as the B vitamins, while white rice and white flour products should be avoided
  • Poultry and soy are the best sources of protein, and flax seed oil or evening primrose oil can be taken for the skin-nourishing omega oils Grab it now!!!
*next we will discuss more detail on GREEN TEA..


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